Get Involved

Ooranga Family Mobile Resource Unit Association Incorporated is a community based not for profit organisation, managed by a volunteer committee

The committee is elected from the membership each year at the annual general meeting.

The Ooranga Committee represent the local community to provide strategic direction for the service and ensure sustainability for the organisation. Committee members are a highly valued and valuable resource for the service, without whom the organisation would not be able to operate.

The Ooranga Committee is supported by the administrative staff to provide information and carry out operational duties.

Join our Management Committee

Meetings are held in the CWA rooms at 112 Barber Street, Gunnedah, on the second Tuesday of the month and children are welcome.

Members are encouraged to contact the Ooranga Director if they have any questions. 

All Ooranga Members are welcome to join the Committee – to enquire about becoming a 
Committee Member please email


Become A Member 

To become a member of Ooranga you must be a part of one of the services we provide.

Playgroup Membership Form Playgroup Membership Form            Preschool Enrolment Form Preschool Enrolment Form          Toy Library Membership Form Toy Library Membership Form

Get Service Near You

Mobile early childhood services are designed for communities where no other services are available.

Please contact the Ooranga office on 02 6742 0603 if you would like to discuss the possibility of playgroup or preschool being delivered in your local community.

There are a number of websites where you may locate your nearest early childhood services:

Our Committee


President – Georgina Simson
Vice-President – Rebecca Middlebrook
Treasurer – Rose Holland
Secretary – Sarah Heggaton
Floor member – Kayla Snape
Floor Member – Kate Gunn
floor member – Gill Burke



Ooranga Family Mobile Resource Unit Assoc. Inc. has developed policies and procedures which govern the day to day operation of its services.

Printed copies of our policies are located at the Ooranga office, each preschool venue and in the playgroup van and are available to all members. Ooranga policies are developed by staff and Ooranga members in accordance to the seven areas of the National Quality Standard. The policies, along with supporting operational procedures, assist staff and members to ensure the safety of children and adults in attendance at Ooranga services and guide the provision of quality early childhood education and care.

Policies are regularly reviewed by staff and the Ooranga Management Committee. Families are encouraged to read the Policies, ask staff if they have any questions and provide any suggestions for changes to improve the quality of Ooranga services.

All staff, volunteers and members are expected to abide by the Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics.
A copy of these is available at Ooranga centres or online at the ECA website.

Early Childhood Education Act, Regulations and Guidelines